Tuesday 2 March 2021



Honoring the Founder on his 182nd Birth Anniversary



BORN: MARCH 3rd, 1839




Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata (1839-1904) was a true visionary, who even before the dawn of the 20th century, understood that the progress of this country depended crucially on higher education. The Indian Institute of Science owes its origin to the patriotic and far-sighted businessman who was convinced of the need for a national level institution devoted to original investigations in all branches of learning and their applications for the benefit of humanity in general and India in particular. Almost alone in his generation, he realized that if the economic foundations of Indian society were to be secure, science and technology must be harnessed to utilize the vast natural resources of our country. Although he was a Parsee and his interests were centered in Bombay, his spirit rose above the restraints of race and creed.  He belonged to the whole country and did more for its material regeneration than any Indian of modern times.

J.N. Tata died in 1904, but the scheme to set up the Indian Institute of Science was pursued by his two sons Dorab and Ratan Tata aided by B.J. Padshah. Both the sons declared their intention of honoring the cherished desires of their father. The House of Tata’s has over the span of a century, continued their close association with the Institute.

A century later, IISc has evolved into India’s most important center for research and postgraduate education in science and engineering. An institution that has been tempered by time and history and yet retained its position as an institution of excellence.

Fifty yards from the entrance of the Main Building stands a noble statue of the Founder, Mr. Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, holding in one hand a replica of the Institute, the cherished child of his imagination, (This statue was sculpted by the well-known British sculptor Gilbert Bayes).


At his feet is a memorial Tablet bearing the following inscription:



Thus, in sweet and peaceful surroundings which the great Indian unhappily did not live to see, his bronze embodiment stands for all time, giving daily inspiration to those eager students who may pass it on their way to the sources of learning which his far-sighted munificence created.

The Annual IISc Founder’s Flower Show, begun sometime in the 1950s, is arranged in front of the J N Tata Statue and Memorial and in the Quadrangle of the Main Building. A dedicated team of Gardener’s, led by IISc Horticulturist Mr. Sridhar puts up a spectacular flower show as a befitting tribute to our Founder.



  1. Hi, Sharath, a befitting and timely blog post. I haven't see the flower show for some yeas, but will make a point to visit the statue, enjoy the flower show, and pay my homage to the visionary. Francis

  2. Truly, a befitting tribute to the founder. My best wishes.

    Ganesh B R Hills
